Peter Mark Adams
(October 2024)
Peter Mark Adams is an author, poet and essayist specialising in the ethnography of
ritual, sacred landscapes, esotericism, consciousness and healing. A Philosophy
graduate, Peter pursues advanced studies in iconology, iconography, Renaissance art
and material culture with the Warburg Institute’s School of Advanced Studies; and
studies of Middle Egyptian tomb and temple texts with former Yale associate
professor Dr. Colleen Darnell. Peter is an Associate Member of the European Society
for the Study of Western Esotericism (ESSWE). Peter’s non-fiction is published by
Scarlet Imprint and Inner Traditions; literary prose and poetry by Corbel Stone Press
in the literary journal ‘Reliquiae’ and the Bosphoros Review of Books; reviews of
both esoterica and literature appear on
Published Works: Books
- Ritual and Epiphany in the Mysteries of Mithras: An Imperial Roman Recension of
the Cult of the Time-deity (forthcoming, Theion Publishing, Spring 2025) - Two Esoteric Tarots (with Christophe Poncet, Scarlet Imprint, 2023)
- The Hagia Sophia/Sanctum of Kronos: Spiritual Dissent in an Age of Tyranny
(Scarlet Imprint, 2023) - The Power of the Healing Field: Energy Medicine, Psi Abilities and Ancestral
Healing (Inner Traditions, 2022) - Mystai: Dancing out the Mysteries of Dionysos (Scarlet Imprint, 2019)
- A Guide to the Trumps and Court Cards of the Sola-Busca Tarocchi (Scarlet Imprint,
2017) - The Game of Saturn: Decoding the Sola-Busca Tarocchi (Scarlet Imprint, 2017)
Conference Appearances
- Speaker ‘Mystery Rites as Rites of Possession: Reflections on the ‘Opening the Mouth Ritual (wepet-er)’’; at the Hermopolis Symposium, New Hermopolis, Egypt, 24 th – 26 th October, 2024.
- Keynote Speech & short film ‘ANARCH: Immersion in the Alchemical Nigredo’ at the Metamorphoses: Ecstases of Matter and Image Conference. The University of Copenhagen, 30 th – 31 st May, 2024.
- Speaker ‘The Blueprint of Creation’ at the Magical Egypt Summit, September 2023.
- ‘Magical Egypt’. Documentary Series 3 & 4. Expert contributor on the topic of the mysteries & mystery cults.
- ‘At the fringes of Science’, Turkish State Radio & Television (TRT) documentary, advisor and contributor (2011).
Podcast Appearances
ARCANVM; What Magic is This?; Thelema Now!; Rune Soup; Glitch Bottle; Occult of Personality; Coffee&Divination; Magical Egypt; Conversations From the Edge; Spirit Box; The New Mithraeum; Watkins Books; La Societa dello Zolfo; Plant Cunning; Thoth-Hermes; The Higher Side Chats.