Theion Publishing
~ Evoking the Numinous ~
Independent publisher of sophisticated occultism, metaphysics, esotericism and gnosis in fine editions.
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Theion Publishing is proud to present and exclusively distribute Sasha Chaitow’s 9 original illustrations and limited series of prints for her highly acclaimed book Son of Prometheus: The Life and Work of Joséphin Péladan.
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Updates, New Author, Low Stock Alert
Updates, New Author, Low Stock Alert We are delighted to bring you the latest news from our end! There is a lot happening behind the scenes, with a range of projects underway. Our [...]
Theia Philosophia in stock and Special Sale (Save the Date)
Shipping: Theia Philosophia Fine Hardcover Edition we are pleased to announce that the Fine Hardcover Edition of Theia Philosophia: A Manual of the Royal Arte by Jason Arthur Green is in stock and shipping. [...]
Occulture Conference Berlin, Talk by Theion’s David Beth
In the following days we will be attending once again the Occulture Conference in Berlin and we are looking forward to meet many old and new friends there. If you are attending as [...]
IMAGO Auric Edition is shipping and more
Shipping: IMAGO Auric Edition The exquisite Auric copies of IMAGO: Body. Vision. Magick. by Robert H. Allen have arrived at our headquarters, and copies are already on their way to their new owners. [...]