In this highly acclaimed work Dr. Vincente establishes hitherto unexplored connections between the European lore of the Witches’ Sabbath and the archaic fertility cult of the ram-headed Banebdjedet, a totemistic representation of Osiris in his netherworld aspect – Osiris as the Black Sun. It is the daemon of the depths, the Faceless God, who serves as the bridge between these two esoteric currents.
Bibliographic details:
- 144 pages, 165×235 mm,
- printed on wood-free high quality Design paper (115gsm),
- incl. 3 full-page greyscale illustrations by Mitchell Nolte.
Cloth Hardcover Edition
- Bound in black fine cloth,
- front embossing, lettering on spine, headbands.
- Limited to 700 copies only.
On offer: 3 copies of the original stock, mint condition – 1 copy per customer