Updates, New Author, Low Stock Alert

We are delighted to bring you the latest news from our end! There is a lot happening behind the scenes, with a range of projects underway. Our current focus is on She of the Night by Idlu Lili Regulus which we are excited to announce will be available for pre-order in June.

We are also in the final stages of preparing Harper Feist’s compelling essay, “Hekate Ochetos.” This work shares her profound experiences of engaging in rituals to receive a special epithet from her guiding deity. We are looking forward to making this available to you in early April, with more details coming soon.

(c) Volker Zotz

New author: Volker Zotz Ph.D. (Ācārya Sudarśanavajra)

Additionally, we are honored to welcome Dr. Volker Zotz (Ācārya Sudarśanavajra) to Theion Publishing. Volker Zotz was a student of the German-Indian master Lama Anagarika Govinda (1898-1985) since 1972. Zotz is Govinda’s heir and spiritual successor as head of the initiating tantric order Ārya Maitreya Maṇḍala. This order was formed in Darjeeling in 1933 under Govinda’s leadership and is in the succession of the medieval Indian Siddhas.

As a professor of philosophy and intellectual history, Volker taught and researched at universities in Germany, Austria, and Luxembourg as well as in Japan. He also founded the German-language cultural magazine Ḍamaru, which has been published for over forty years (www.da-ma-ru.de) and authored more than 20 books with a focus on the philosophies and spiritual paths of South and East Asia as well as surrealism. For more information, visit: www.volker-zotz.de

Volker is currently preparing a significant publication for Theion. This work will delve into the tantric views, rituals, and practices of the Ārya Maitreya Maṇḍala, offering an authentic and practical exploration of the centuries-old Indian Siddha tradition and its contemporary possibilities.

Low Stock Alert

Finally, we have a stock alert: There are only 20 copies of Ferocious and 50 copies of The Vodou Quantum Leap available. We expect these titles to sell out very soon.