Cloth Hardcover Copies of Underworld in stock

Cloth hardcover copies of Underworld in stock The cloth bound copies of our latest title 'Underworld' have arrived and truly stunning they are! The book is now officially 'in stock' and shipping of all pre-ordered copies commences today! We expect the Auric 'deluxe' edition to arrive at the Headquarters in late July. To purchase your own copy of Underworld, go here.

By |2018-10-29T12:21:55+01:00June 26th, 2018|Categories: Books & Authors, Shipping Updates|

Publications 2018: New authors and forthcoming releases

Publications 2018: New authors and forthcoming releases 2018 has arrived and we are happy to share some very exciting news on forthcoming publications with you. New Authors First, we would like to welcome two new authors to the Theion family: we are honored that after already providing an insightful introduction to last year’s Cult of the Black Cube, one of Germany’s most infamous magicians, Frater U∴D∴, has chosen Theion Publishing to release one of the most anticipated books on magic in decades, his Introduction to Ice Magic. Frater U∴D∴ himself needs no introduction here as he is one of the most accomplished contemporary occultists, whose influence on the esoteric environment since the 1970ies is [...]

By |2019-01-31T15:02:18+01:00January 10th, 2018|Categories: Books & Authors|

Sudden passing of esoteric pioneer Dr. Arthur Moros

Sudden passing of esoteric pioneer Dr. Arthur Moros With great regret and sadness we must inform our friends and readers of the sudden passing of our friend and esoteric colleague Dr. Arthur Moros, author of the forthcoming The Cult of the Black Cube. Insightful scholar on the Outer he was first and foremost an esoteric practitioner and researcher on the Inner for more than 25 years with a special focus on the Saturnian Gnosis. His body was found in the land of Kush where Moros, never afraid of adventure and risk, investigated ancient traces of the Saturnian Cultus. Contact had been lost for days until his body was found. The cause of death remains unknown. Before [...]

By |2018-01-13T18:02:32+01:00January 21st, 2017|Categories: Books & Authors|

Interview with Dr. Tomas Vincente, Author of “The Faceless God”

Interview with Dr. Tomas Vincente, Author of "The Faceless God" Detail of Illustration by Mitchell Nolte (c) Theion Publishing Dr. Tomas Vincente is the author of Theion Publishing’s release The Faceless God, a true tour de force on the Gnosis of the Left Hand. He has been a practitioner and researcher of the occult Arte for more than two decades. In his ‘profane’ life, Dr. Vincente is a respected professor at a North American University and author of various academic works relating to esotericism. T.P.: The Gnosis expressed in your book is said to be of the ‘Left Hand’. Of course we know that there are as many definitions of Left Hand Path [...]

By |2018-12-21T16:20:55+01:00August 12th, 2016|Categories: Books & Authors, Interviews|
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