We are very pleased to share with you a few updates.
IMAGO: shipping updates and interviews
The Cloth Hardcover copies of the much anticipated IMAGO: Body. Vision. Magick by Robert H. Allen are now in stock and shipping. All pre-ordered copies have been shipped and tracking information is in your inbox. If you have not yet ordered a copy, you can do so here: Order IMAGO.
The Auric copies of IMAGO are being bound by our Master bookbinder and we expect them in late July / early August.
You will find a recent interview with the author of IMAGO, Robert Allen, on the renown Between the Worlds Podcast, for example on spotify: Between the Worlds 80: Art, Magick, and the Imagination with Robert Allen.
There is also a highly recommended written interview available at the Perseus Arcane Academy’s site: The Art of Magick: An Interview with Robert Allen.
Underworld Auric Edition: shipping update
The sold-out Auric Edition of Underworld will arrive in the next days and we will ship all pre-ordered copies around June 29/30.
You can order the Cloth Hardcover copies here: Order Underworld.
Upcoming pre-order / release
Our next title is currently in the final stages of editing and we are planning to open pre-orders for this highly fascinating work on Theurgy by Jason Arthur Green in mid to late July, more information to follow soon.
If you do not want to miss out on this and future releases and updates, please subscribe to our mailing list: sign up.